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MAHL League Rules & Policies




*** Updated September 2024 ***


  1. The League Executive (LE) consists of the League President and all committee members. Any decisions made by the League Executive will be final.
  2. The LE reserves the right to amend these rules and policies at any time in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of the league. Changes will be posted immediately to the website and announced to the league when appropriate.
  3. The LE reserves the right to refuse to register or re-register any application by any player at the league’s discretion.
  4. Teams must have a minimum of 5 players plus a goalkeeper, all with full equipment, to constitute a game. Failure to do so results in forfeit. If a team commences a game with a limited number of players and is at any point unable to fulfill the required number of players on the ice due to penalties, the game will be forfeited to the non-offending team. 
  5. Maximum number of roster players for any single game is 15 skaters plus goalie.
  6. Team fees cover liability insurance for 15 players plus goalie, teams may add additional players or goalies to their roster at a cost of $25 per person and they must be added by the set date for roster submission to the league. In rare cases of extenuating circumstances the League Executive may allow for player additions to rosters after the set deadline.
  7. Teams are expected to be ready to start at the scheduled time. A three-minute warm-up will commence upon resurfacing. The horn will sound and a one-minute grace period will be given. The clock will start and any team not ready will be given a delay of game penalty. A forfeit takes place if a team does not have the minimum number of players on the ice ten minutes after the scheduled game time or when the applicable warm-up and grace period has elapsed, whichever is later.  Please be advised that our ice will be available on the hour with the flood-taking place at the end of each hour.
  8. Player Substitution – During the regular season, a team captain may arrange to borrow a league player for any game where he will be with less than 10 skaters from his roster. The captain may only use as many substitute players to make 10 skaters in total. (i.e - if he only has 7 regular roster players for that game he may use a maximum 3 substitute players). The captain must identify the substitute players to the timekeeper before the game starts.
  9. Roster players must have played in a minimum 8 regular season games to qualify for playoffs. Summer league players must have played in a minimum 5 regular season games to qualify for playoffs.
  10. When a goalkeeper is absent, teams may use other league goalies on an alternating basis, or in rare cases, any goalkeeper approved by the League Executive.
  11. Any and all communications to League Executive or League Officials must come through their respective team captain/representative unless directed otherwise by League Executive of Officials. All teams must identify their team representative to League Executive prior to the start of any season.
  12. Law, the Town of Milton and the insurance provider, strictly prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages in the arenas. Any player that is identified with any amount of alcohol by the League or arena staff and reported to the League may receive a suspension or expulsion from the League with no right of refund.
  13. Forfeit of Games – any team that does not provide at least 24 hours’ notice that they are forfeiting a game could be subject to (at the discretion of League Executive) playing suspensions and/or fines.


  1. Hockey Canada rules will govern unless stated otherwise.
  2. All players must wear CSA approved helmets with a proper chin-strap. A chin strap is the strap going between the ear flaps and under the chin. This is not to be confused with straps holding the face mask on.
  3. If any player skates in any game under the influence of drugs or alcohol, that player will be ejected from the game immediately and will face supplementary discipline including possible expulsion. The player agrees that he will never bring alcohol or any other drug onto the arena premises for any reason whatsoever.
  4. All games will consist of 10-10-12 stop time periods.  Depending on speed of the games this may be amended throughout the year.
  5. No timeouts will be allowed during the regular season.
  6. Tie games shall stand for the regular season.
  7. League rules for playoffs will be delivered to team reps prior to their start.
  8. There is no center (red) line for off-side calls (i.e. no 2-line off-sides). We play by Blue Line icing
  9. Stick and equipment measurements will NOT be permitted. However, if in the opinion of an Official, any stick or equipment poses a threat to the safety of other Players, the Player will be asked to remove it from the game.
  10. There will be a 30 second time out allocated to each team and allowed at the discretion of the referee in regards to time available only in the playoffs.
  11. Coincidental minor penalties will result in teams playing 5 on 5.
  12. A Game Ejection can be assessed at the referee’s discretion to a player at any time in a game for conduct which is deemed to be detrimental to the safety of the other players or conduct which would be deemed to be a travesty of the game. A Game Ejection is called so that a player is removed from the game to prevent an individual from participating in a more serious or violent situation.
  13. Players in the offensive zone are not permitted to enter the crease area under any circumstance before the puck enters the crease area.  If a Player’s skate(s) enters the crease voluntarily in any manner, the Referee has the discretion to blow down the play, and a face-off will take place at the nearest spot in the neutral zone.  Only if, in the opinion of the Referee, the defending Team has clear possession and control of the puck, with a clear path to moving out of the zone, the Referee shall allow play to continue.

SUPPLEMENTARY DISCIPLINE; In addition to suspensions imposed under the Rule Amendments from Hockey Canada, MAHL League Executive may investigate ANY incident that occurs in connection with any game and may assess additional suspensions during or after a game whether or not such an offense has been called by the referee. A player’s additional suspension and/or even expulsion from the league could result after the league executive completes their investigation of an incident.


All infractions occurring before, during and after any scheduled game are subject to review by League Executive. MAHL has the authority to levy suspensions in accordance with the minimum standards and at their discretion, increase or decrease suspensions due to extenuating circumstances.

A PLAYER RECEIVING A SUSPENSION IS SUSPENDED FROM ALL TEAMS UNTIL THEIR SUSPENSION IS COMPLETED (i.e. their return date is achieved). For example, a Player is playing for Team “A” and Team “B.” The Player receives a 3 game suspension for Fighting while laying for Team “A.” The Player must sit out three of Team “A’s” games before he / she is eligible to play again for Team “A” or Team “B.” Therefore, if Team “B” has 2 games in that period of time, the Player will sit out a total of 5 games for the original penalty infraction.

Note 1: an accidental high-sticking Major penalty will be accompanied by a Game Ejection penalty (rather than a Game Misconduct).

Note 2: Players are not permitted on the bench (or near the bench) area during games while they are under suspension.

Note 3: If a suspension issued to a player extends beyond the end of the season (i.e 5 game suspension with 3 games remaining), the player will be required to serve the balance of their suspension at the start of the next season.



Game Ejection:                                    Balance of Game unless assessed by league officials

Misconduct Penalty (1st Offense):         1 Game and Review by League Manager

Misconduct Penalty (2nd Offense):         3 Games and Review by League Manager

Misconduct Penalty (3rd Offense)           Expulsion

Major Penalty (1st Offense):                   1 Game and Review by League Manager

Major Penalty (2nd Offense):                  3 Games and Review by League Manager

Major Penalty (3rd Offense):                   Expulsion

Fighting (First Offense):                         3 minimum up to Expulsion (See rule 5)

Fighting (Second Offense):                    Balance of Season (see Rule 5)

Match/Gross Misconduct:                     Immediate Expulsion from the League


A Player may appeal a suspension of three (3) or more games by filing a written submission with the League Manager and paying a two hundred dollar ($200) review fee. The appeal letter must be submitted to the League Manager within thirty (30) days of the suspension’s issue and must be paid before an appeal hearing will be organized.

The letter must outline the basis for the appeal (e.g. Player’s penalty history, comparable suspension length for a similar incident, etc.) and include the registered charity of choice. A suspension appeal may only be made by the Team Representative.

The League Manager will convene a hearing with an odd number of Team Representatives (minimum three) currently registered with the League at the facility. The committee will examine League evidence, review the appeal letter, and allow an opportunity for the suspended Player to address the panel. If the suspension length is reduced, the $200 fee will be refunded. If however, the suspension length is upheld (or extended) the $200 fee will be donated to the registered charity of the appealing Player’s choice.

Note: Players receiving a permanent suspension or facility ban will be directed to appeal to the MAHL Manager.



A Player who contacts an opponent above the normal height of his shoulders with a high stick shall be assessed a Double Minor, Major or Match penalty at the discretion of the Referee. If injury results, a Major penalty or Match penalty will be assessed, depending on the intent of the offending Player. If the infraction is deemed to be accidental, a Major and Game Ejection will be assessed (game time served with no suspension). Again, this decision will be made by the Referee. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL PLAYERS TO BE IN CARE AND CONTROL OF THEIR STICK AT ALL TIMES DURING THE GAME.


Deliberate body checking / boarding is not permitted anywhere on the ice. Any incidental collisions or accidental contact will be judged by a Referee based on the Hockey Canada definition of checking – Rule 50 (b): “no Player is entitled to use his body to intentionally body check, bump, push, or shove an opponent.” If injury results, a Major penalty or Match penalty will be assessed, depending on the intent of the offending Player. If the infraction is deemed to be intentional, a Major and Game Ejection will be assessed (game time served with no suspension). Again, this decision will be made by the Referee.


Any Player receiving a 2nd Major penalty for Body Checking or Boarding in one season will receive an automatic two (2) game suspension and must attend an interview with the League Manager before returning to play.


A Double Minor, Major or Match penalty will be assessed to any Player who butt-ends or attempts to butt-end an opponent. Injury and / or intent will be the determining factor in which penalty is assessed, and will be at the discretion of the Referee.


A Minor or Major penalty shall be assessed to any Player who, in the Referee’s judgment, is guilty of unnecessary rough play. When an injury results from an infraction to this rule, a Major penalty plus a Game Misconduct may be assessed.   Any Player with cumulative rough play penalties will be reviewed by the League Manager and may be suspended.


The Player first identified of engaging in rough play after the whistle shall be penalized. If retaliation occurs, then the Player first identified as causing the unnecessary rough play after the whistle may be assessed four minutes (two for roughing and two for unsportsmanlike conduct) while the retaliating player is assessed a Minor, Major or Match penalty, at the discretion of the Referee.


All 1st offense Fighting Majors will result in a minimum 3 game suspension. Repeat offenders will be suspended for the Balance of the MAHL season (regular season plus playoffs) and may be permanently suspended


A Major penalty plus Game Misconduct penalty shall be assessed to any Player who is involved in a fight with another Player off the playing surface. The Adult Safe Hockey League will not tolerate this behavior and an indefinite suspension of all Players involved will occur, pending a review by the League Manager.


A Double Minor penalty shall be assessed to any Player who pokes or jabs (or attempts to jab) an opposing Player with the toe of the blade of the stick. A Match penalty shall be assessed to any Player who deliberately spears or deliberately attempts to spear by jabbing forcefully with the toe of the stick blade, or who injures an opponent by any spearing action.


A Minor penalty, Double Minor, Major or Match penalty, at the discretion of the Referee, shall be assessed to any Player who swings their stick at an opponent (whether out of range or not, whether actually striking him or not) or who, on the pretext of playing the puck, makes a wild swing at the puck with the object of intimidating their opponent.   A Minor Penalty, Double Minor, Major or Match penalty, at the discretion of the Referee, shall be assessed to any Player who impedes or seeks to impede the progress of an opponent by slashing with his / her stick.


A Minor penalty, Double Minor, Major or Match penalty at the discretion of the Referee, shall be assessed to any Player who cross-checks an opponent. A Major penalty and a Game Misconduct penalty shall be assessed to any Player who injures an opponent as a result of a crosscheck.  Any Player who strikes an opponent above the normal height of his shoulders with a cross-check shall incur a Major penalty and a Game Misconduct penalty, whether or not injury results. A Match penalty may also be assessed to any player who deliberately injures an opponent with a cross-check.

5.8 A Goalie Interference

Any infraction where there is goalie inference, the player will be assessed a minor penalty. The referee at his discretion may assess the player a double minor penalty for goaltender interference.


A Major or Match penalty, at the discretion of the Referee, shall be assessed to any Player who slew-foots or checks an opponent from behind. There will be an automatic Game Misconduct assessed to any Player penalized with a Slew-footing or Checking From Behind penalty during a game. Any Player that persists in committing these infractions will be removed from the League.


Any Player, except a Goaltender, incurring a Misconduct penalty, shall be ruled off the ice for a period of ten (10) minutes actual playing time. A substitute for the penalized Player shall be permitted immediately. A Player serving a Misconduct penalty shall remain on the penalty bench until the first stoppage of play following the expiration of their penalty. All Misconduct penalties are subject to review by the League Manager. No Player shall be required to serve a Misconduct penalty for another Player. Players or goaltenders receiving a misconduct penalty will be subject to a (1) game suspension for the 1st offense, for 2nd and 3rd offenses sees minimum suspension lengths above.


Any Player or Coach that receives a Game Misconduct penalty will be ejected for the balance of the game. The player will also receive a (1) game suspension for the 1st offense, for 2nd and 3rd offenses sees minimum suspension lengths above. All Game Misconduct penalties are subject to review (and possibly further suspension) by the league manager.


In the MAHL, stick infractions are assessed as minor penalties. At the discretion of the referee a double minor penalty may be assessed for stick infraction penalties.

Stick infractions include:

• High Sticking

• Cross-Checking

• Slashing

• Butt-Ending

• Spearing


Below infractions are considered Minor penalties (i.e. two minutes)

• Tripping

• Hooking

• Holding

• Interference


Any Player receiving three (3) Minor penalties or two (2) stick infractions in one game will receive a Game Ejection penalty. If the third Minor penalty is coincidental, that Player will not be ejected until a fourth Minor is incurred. Note: by definition, coincidental penalties must be of the same severity and length. Example: if Player A receives a high-sticking Minor (4:00) and Player B receives a roughing Minor (2:00) during the same stoppage in play, these are NOT considered to be coincidental.

If a Goaltender receives a Game Ejection for penalties, the Goaltender will be allowed to stay in the game, and will be suspended for the next scheduled game.

A repetition in Game Ejections for any Player or Team can result in suspension.


The Player is immediately ejected from the game and the incident will be reviewed by the League Manager. This penalty will be assessed to any Player, Coach, or Team Official who makes obscene gestures, excessively abuses spectators, other Players or League Officials OR attempts to make a travesty of the game.


If any Player utters a racial or cultural slur before, during or after an MAHL game, the PLAYER will automatically receive a Gross Misconduct and be suspended according to the rules of the League.  There will be no tolerance for this type of behavior and the League will be very harsh with their assessment of suspensions. Should the Player committing the offense not be discovered, the TEAM REPRESENTATIVE will be automatically indefinitely suspended, pending a review by League Officials and / or Facility Management.


Automatic indefinite suspension from the League. There is no minimum suspension. This penalty will be assessed when a Player, Coach or Team Official, verbally, physically threatens or abuses any League Official (Managers, Referees, Timekeepers, etc.).


Automatic indefinite suspension from the League. There is no minimum suspension. This penalty will be assessed when any Player physically abuses another Player with INTENT TO INJURE. Attempt to injure is, in the opinion of the Referee, an automatic Match penalty, regardless of whether it causes injury or not, and will be reviewed by the League Manager. The pending results of the injury will be considered by the League Manager when determining the length of the suspension and whether additional penalties are to be handed out.


Teams are responsible for ensuring that Players who are disqualified or ejected from an MAHL game, for any reason, immediately leave the playing surface and retire to the Team’s dressing room.   The Team Representative or Captain is additionally responsible for ensuring the ejected Player REMAINS IN THE DRESSING ROOM FOR THE BALANCE OF THE GAME (unless otherwise permitted to watch the remainder of the game by League Management).

Ejected Players who remain at rink side or who refuse to retire to the dressing room will be subject to further suspension and / or possible expulsion from the League. In this situation, MAHL Officials can end the game prematurely and charge the offending Team with a default.  Any Player who has been ejected from a game that returns to the ice surface will face an indefinite suspension pending review by MAHL

If a player accrues 30 or more minor penalty minutes during the regular season, the player will be suspended for 1 game and reviewed by the league executive.  If a player accrues an additional 10 minutes in minor penalties, (40 minutes) that player will be suspended for another game. If a player accrues another 10 minutes or more in minor penalties, (50 minutes) that player will be suspended for the remainder of the regular season as well as playoffs.


The league will use the following process to investigate an incident that occurs in connection with any game and/or complaints received regarding player conduct;

League Executive will collect information pertaining to the incident/complaint from team captains, players, referees, league officials and any other person that can contribute information helpful to the investigation. All information collected is placed on an MAHL incident report spreadsheet. All communications with League Executive or League Officials must be directed through the respective team captain/representative.

League Executive will forward the incident report to at least two players from the league that volunteer to make discipline and or suspension recommendations. League Executive will make note of suspensions that were delivered in similar previous league incidents and will also advise if the person(s) involved have any history of discipline issues. The volunteers review all information supplied and report back to League Executive with recommendations for disciplinary action. League Executive will issue suspension notices to the team representatives who are responsible for ensuring that suspensions are administered and carried out. The League Executive reserves the right to amend recommended suspensions to improve on the quality, safety and effectiveness of the league.

There will be at least two volunteers from the Over 35 Division that will review incidents/complaints from the Competitive Division and two volunteers from the Competitive Division that will review incidents/complaints from the Over 35 division to avoid any possible conflict of interest.

In the event that the team captain/representative is the subject involved in a disciplinary situation they are not allowed to represent themselves in the process. The team captain/representative must appoint a member of their team to co-ordinate all communications related to that incident with the league representative.



Team Representative Responsibility


That by the acceptance of my application and permission to participate as Team Representative I will conform to and follow all policies, procedures and rules as instructed by the League Executive of both present and future additions, when deemed appropriate by the league.    I acknowledge and understand the following responsibilities as Team Representative.

  1. The Milton Adult Hockey League and the Town of Milton has a strict no alcohol policy within Town facilities and adjacent property.   Any person or teams found with alcohol will be removed from the league with no refund of fees.
  2. Have full rosters, with names and numbers posted on the league statistical site before October 15th
  3. Assign an on ice “Captain” and 2 on ice “Assistant Captains” and assure they are properly displayed on each jersey.
  4. Assure all substitute players are;
    1. current members of the MAHL
    2. brought to the attention of the time keeper and/or official prior to the start of each game
  5. Have team fees paid in full no later than your first league game. 
  6. To maintain the official MAHL statistic site for rosters, individual games played and penalty minutes before the start of your next scheduled game. ***note – the league will conduct random audits to ensure that game sheets are being entered on the website accurately. Failure to comply will result in the suspension of the team representative***
  7. To assure all player suspensions are administered and carried out.
  8. In the interest of player safety, the league strongly encourages players to wear at least a half shield or full shield and mouth guard to prevent injury. Due to insurance changes, players are not covered for on ice injuries including dental. Please ensure team members are aware.

Failure to meet the above deadlines for league fees and roster submission will result team suspension as they will not be allowed on the ice due to league liability.

Failure to meet any other of the league rules, regulations, protocols and captains responsibilities will be subject to a one game suspension of the captain and possibly further discipline as deemed appropriate by the league executive



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